There  are many things I’ve given up since I’ve been here in India and there’s lots I miss from home…my family, my friends, my bed, Winston but there are many things that I realized I’ve given up since being in India that I haven’t missed at all.

Cussing – I basically never cuss here and I think I’m much happier for it!

Gossip – I’ve never liked it much, so I definitely don’t miss it.

Manicures – my nails are really nice and look healthy and shiny here!

Wine – Just kidding!…although wine is hard to find so I’ve only had a couple of glasses.

Makeup – In this heat it just melts off anyway :)

Blow drying my hair – it’s too hot to blow dry and my hair is much healthier and shinier now!

Clothes dryers – hanging my clothes to dry isn’t so bad and in the Delhi dry heat they dry in under 2 hours.

Driving – I always prefer to be the passenger rather than the driver anyway.

Control – I’m so relaxed that I have no interest in controlling anything in my life here. Plus, I’m in India…no one has control over anything here…life just happens.

Having a plan – The more I wing it the more things fall into place just as they were meant to.

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